Friday, November 7, 2008


Okay, so I got invited to go to the Jonas brothers, Demi Lavato, Christi Yamaguchi, -it's a long list- Jordan pruitt, and many other famous ice skaters, on ice, concert, all in one night. Not to mention we had our own private suite and with some of my best friends. So yes, it was pretty awesome!! My friend, Mariah's, uncle works at a radio station and has the total hookup.

above is demi,jordan,and joe bros on the stage!!

The Joe Bro's!

This is me, my friend Mariah with the brown hair, and my friend Brittany in the blue.

And this was actually in the beggining of the show where all the iceskaters come out with all of their kids-if you can see them the kids are in the chairs- when the Jonas brothers sing.

*****Thank you Mariah and Brittany for such a great girls nite out!*****

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